The voyage of the damned


It’s like a cheap dystopian B movie, watching a wild-eyed Jeremy Hunt make a speech in Berlin about Brexit.

I’ve said and written consistently,on many occasions, from the very day that the advisory Referendum result was known, that the UK government will have one strategy, and one strategy only, for moving forward with their forthcoming potentially catastrophic divorce from the European Union, blame someone else. That is what they do, this is, and always has been, the fallback go-to position of the British state over many years, and that is undoubtedly what they are doing now.

No plan, no analysis, no contingency planning considered, minimum preparation, months of in-house argument between party factions about complex issues whilst having only the barest grasp of the detail, putting forward an individual as the responsible Minister who was clearly not up to the task, attending meetings with his EU counterparts and commons select committees completely unprepared, cringeworthy in his attempts to justify the Westminster government’s erroneous view that the EU need Britain more than Britain needs them, and a lame duck Prime Minster lost in a sea of repetitious platitudes.

Yet somehow the whole disastrous farce that is Brexit has, by blame transference, has become the fault of a group of European Commissioners who have done nothing more than stand on the sidelines over the last two years, shaking their heads in astonishment at the sheer incompetence and arrogance of an increasingly isolated bunch of self-important, over-entitled, under-qualified English public school graduates, watching them squabble with each other and come up with yet another harebrained idea, convincing themselves that they can somehow achieve the same benefits of EU membership as members, without paying for it or accepting freedom of movement.

Hunt’s language in Germany was inflammatory, a dog whistle to the British nationalist right, amongst the cacophony of other large and small dog whistles to the right currently emanating from the US, and parts of the European mainland. He likens negotiations with the EU to game of who will blink first, it won’t be John Bully, no sir, reckons Jeremy. How shallow.

He suggests that if the EU do not accede to Britain’s wishes for preferential trade there is ‘a very real risk of a Brexit no deal by accident’ a strange interpretation. If at the close of this circus Britain crashes out of the EU friendless on mainland Europe, amid chaos, food and medical supply shortages, potential civil unrest, motorways of HGV’s parked up like the worst bank holiday in history, it will not be by accident. It will be through the arrogance and incompetence of a British government unable to see that in 2018 it doesn’t have the same status or influence it had in the world 50 years ago.

Hunt’s veiled suggestion too that a no-deal Brexit outcome would result in the citizens of the UK becoming hostile towards their European neighbours ” a change in the British public’s attitude to Europe for a generation” is downright reckless.

Amongst the choruses of ”We’ll meet again”, and “Two World Wars and a World Cup”, the invocation of the bulldog spirit, the proud gathering around the red, white and blue that potential rationing and isolationism will generate, some poor unsuspecting resident of France, Germany or any other EU country. whilst in Britain, will suffer at the hands of the likes of the followers of the racist fascist numpty who goes by the pseudonym Robinson because of that kind of talk.

Watch out for us (Scotland) getting the blame for their incompetence too, because we didn’t instantly line up behind them on Brexit, even though Scots voted overwhelmingly to remain Europeans. Democracy doesn’t matter, blind loyalty to the British state does.

To avoid a future as an asset-stripped distant region of a failing isolationist state Scotland must escape this disaster. The Union must be dissolved. The people of Scotland have sovereignty over their destiny. They need to see past the pliable biased state media propaganda and take their future into their own hands. It’s the only way out. It really is.

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