I’m back

So, anyway, as I was saying , (almost a year ago, short of a week) ’the eminent historian Tom Devine said in 2014 ‘It is the Scots who succeeded most in preserving the British idea of fairness and compassion in terms of state support and intervention. Ironically, it is England, since the 1980’s, which has embarked on a separate journey”. He was not wrong…….’

Did ye see what I did there? An almost seamless return!  Admit it, ye never even noticed I was gone, did ye? Yes folks, I’m back, after almost a full year off, dealing with personal issues, (enough about that) itisintruthnotforglory is returning, to rejoin the ranks of those entirely convinced and committed to the cause of returning Scotland to a rightful future as a flourishing independent European state, standing on its own feet, as it should, Scots in Scotland, democratically selected by their peers, making the big decisions, in fact all of the decisions, for the benefit of the people of Scotland.

First off, can I thank the number of folk over the last year who have intermittently sent me wee messages asking where the blog has gone? The prize for the best one goes to the wag that wrote, ‘Are ye deid ya bugger?  That’s pretty selfish like!’ Thankfully, no ahm no’ deid, I’m very much alive and as entirely committed to the furtherance of an independent Scotland as I ever was. So I’m back, and back to stay.

Have I missed much? Did the Tories ever manage to export human beings to a country best known for its genocidal tribal wars? 

Did Douglas Ross ever come out of that huff he’s been in since primary school? 

Is Keir Hardie still spinning in his grave like an out of control turbine at the thought of that bunch of self-servers who occupy the benches where Labour used to sit, when there used to be a Labour Party? 

Are our representatives at Westminster, sick of being vilified, shunned and ignored, packing their cases, ready to set up shop in a suitable forum in Edinburgh or Glasgow to work on a transition-to-independence programme and drafting our renewed independent state Constitution? No?  

That’s disappointing. You’ll be telling me next that politics has got even more batcrazier-than-Brexit since I’ve been away, and that Westminster are now digging up, and electing, hugely ego-driven, but admittedly highly articulate, ancient politicians who have been in more parties than the Earl of Inverness has attended! Surely not.

Anyway, it feels good to be back!

Remember……Independence is normal, being governed by another country is not.

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