Take the boot out of the sovereignty question


And lo verily it came to pass that the land grew dark and out of the night came a strange creature.

Yes, she’s back. A behemoth not seen haunting the glens on the back of a disgruntled bullock,or sitting astride a Challenger Tank, since she had decided that reading her Twitter feed from the back benches at Holyrood until the next election, whilst dallying in the world of soup-dooking in the corporate lobbying trough, (until someone explained to her what a conflict of interests means),was better than being slapped down at First Ministers questions every week.

Like other interventionists decrying the people of Scotland’s right to self-determination as heresy (although she hasn’t quite left the building yet), the unionist media hang on every word she utters like it’s a proclamation hewn into tablets of stone by lightning bolts from the sky.

Similar to the son of the manse, who regularly breaks free of the padded room he spends most of his time in whilst colouring in his Big Book of Federalism, each time for the first time, and The Hague dodger, who it now appears is an expert in immunology,the former grand Poobah of the Scottish propagandists on behalf of another country continuing to govern Scotland Party or (Numpties for short) has opened her laptop for the media to give us separatistas a piece of her mind.

Not prone to aggressive language or withering facial expressions that would make bacon cure nor nothing, the Ruthster tells her readership that Unionism made a serious mistake after the first independence referendum in being soft on us. God love them. The wee scones, in whatever alternative universe they seem to exist in, reckon they bent over backwards to accommodate the then 45% of the voters of Scotland.

Wow! That is one serious stretch of the imagination by anybody’s standards. We must then have imagined David Cameron coming out to the podium on 19th September 2014 telling us all about the future being all about EVEL whilst holding up the middle finger of both hands to Scotland, we clearly misunderstood that faster better change was what the Smith Commission was supposed to be, we surely didn’t realise that regularly having our democratic will at the ballot box being completely ignored, our representatives mocked, our preference to remain as european citizens scorned, and many many other examples of the actions of the country that governs Scotland’s represents their idea of accommodating our views since 2014.

Thank goodness they didnae put the boot in if that was their idea of being nice to us!

Ruth, being the good old fashioned British nationalist that she is, can rhyme off inflammatory inciting language with the best of them, for dog whistling is their thing. Not putting the boot in was a mistake she feels her side of the sovereignty question made in 2014. One would hope she means politically, but right wing nationalist thugs can read, even if it is in the Times.

In these days of stark polarisation, and thinking back to the disgraceful violent scenes in George Square on the weekend after the referendum vote,Ruth Davidson opening her mouth and letting her belly rumble is not a good look for a departing politician heading for the rewarding Union gravy train.

The ‘Sheer Might’ of the Union. Are you kidding?


Aw well that’s the baw well and truly burst. Get the piles of jumper goalposts picked up Scotland, the streetlights are coming on, and inevitably we’ll all need to go hame, and we know that when we do we’ll get kept in for the night.

Yes indeed. For us it is all over. Our dream has died. Boris Johnson has saved the Union.

Convinced? Naw, me neither. In fact is there any chance he can come back to Scotland once a week until next Christmas? We’ll be independent by Hogmanay.

Visit to ChillyJockoLand to make it look vaguely like the powers at Westminster are even the slightest bit interested in Scotland apart from being interested in its resources, assets, strategic position and its contributions to the Treasury (tick).

Same auld, same auld. Phoatie wae some luxury food product from Scotland or its surrounding waters (tick). Phoatie (looking like Beetlejuice at a fancy dress party pretending tae be Winston Churchill) wae a Second World War aeroplane tae continue to perpetuate the deeply unhealthy obsession with exceptionalist jingoism, past wars and lost empires beyond that (tick). Phoatie wae either one of the Tory soup makers or teacake makers, or a whisky magnate, doesn’t matter which one (tick). Job done. Home in time for supper at the club.

Oh how glorious, spouts the infantile bumbling, Latin misquoting onanist. The ‘sheer might’ of the Union has gotten all of the nations party to it through this COVID crisis splendidly. Apparently too wee, too thick and too needy Scotland has only survived because London has bailed out 900,000 Scottish workers through the furlow measures put in place during the pandemic.

They’ve bailed you out you ungrateful Jock and Jockettes. You should be eternally grateful, denounce the charlatan of Charlotte Square, and her evil separistas, and immediately acquire a rousing downloaded version of ‘Land of Hope and Glory’ via your online consumer spy in the hoose ‘Alexa’ and play it at top volume, with the window of your peasant hovel wide open, so that others might hear and join in your new found patriotism.


None of that is true. It’s no’ a benevolent gift. Any money that has come Scotlands way comes either originally from Scots hard earned earnings in the first place, that are sent south continuously in various tax contributions only to be partially given back to us, or as in this case, comes from London borrowing money on the international money markets on our behalf, without our input and with them deciding how much we’ll get, and what it can be spent on, with the people of Scotland then having to repay over the odds for the debt accrued as a result. So don’t even consider falling for that nonsense. It’s all a bit of snake charming and sleight of hand. They know it, you know it, and so does their broadcasting arm at Pathetic Quay.

If Scotland was already independent our own government would have the financial levers available to them to negotiate our own borrowing, our own financing, our own debt management programme, work out our own priorities that don’t involve helping tae build Canary Wharf and the continued expansive infrastructure of London, or the new fast train HS2 project that we help pay for even though it comes no where near Scotland.

Meanwhile, as our First Minister continues to focus on the fundamental task of protecting as much as possible the people of Scotland from this deadly virus, giving short shift to any tabloid hack who try’s to ambush her back into politics and the sovereignty question during her COVID briefings, our hero, the bawbag, is wandering through the Highlands and Islands taking some sort of entirely misplaced perverted political credit for something he hasn’t done, and glorifying in the needless deaths of many thousands of other human being. It is despicable, Trumpian behaviour. It is wrong.

Every decision the Tories made, and continue to make, during this world crisis is either the wrong one, pointless or is too late, much of it is criminally negligent. If there was a study held asking a group of supposed leaders to sit in a room and deliberately come up with the wrong way to address a pandemic it would not be very far away from what they’ve actually done.

The ‘sheer might’ of the Union Boris? I think you mean pure shyte.

A monstrous imposition


Oh the insult, the indignity the faux angst! The humiliation, the slight on the brave plucky bulldog spirit. Wring those manicured hands.

The groaning, dandruff blizzarding, wailing, gnashing of expensively maintained teeth, and general outrage against wearing face masks displayed by Sir Bumphry Cumberbund Swayne, middle Ingurland Tory MP for the pathologically we’re British and we’re exceptional Brexiteering mind dwellers of the 1950’s, is a perfect demonstration of all that Scotland needs to get far far far away from come the day our country is ours to rehabilitate and build.

What a zoomer. Taking extreme umbrage at a measure which is simple to comply with and saves lives at a time when thousands of innocents have died in this pandemic is crass beyond measure. He’s no’ gonnae go shopping either, he reckons, whilst there is the possibility that he may be required to wear a mask, which is okay because he’s probably never been in Asda in his life anyway, and the food hall at the East India Company shut doon 150 odd years ago.

He talks of wearing a mask as a ‘‘monstrous imposition’. The only monstrous imposition I can see is on the families and loved ones of those, who through Britain’s government’s criminal negligence, have died unnecessarily, and the thousands of health workers still putting themselves in harms way everyday for the sake of their fellow human beings, having to listen to the disrespectful tripe coming out of yet another self-serving arrogant English exceptionalist posh boy’s gub.

Is this where we are?


No’ content with sticking their fingers in their ears, shutting their een and humming morale boosting Gilbert & Sullivan tunes from the Pirates of Penzance in the hope that if you ignore it, and don’t have daily briefings anymore about it, a deadly mutating pandemic virus will somehow go away and not spread, killing yet more innocents, the Tory alternative universe party theory of censorship of bad news has jumped the border, which apparently doesn’t exist, to their willing agents at Holyrood.

Murdo, (who has never won an election by his peers in his life, relying on the list route to a seat at Holyrood and an easily trousered tax payer funded salary for only a few years less than the last time Scotland qualified for the World Cup) Fraser reckons it’s time the Scottish Government stopped telling the people of Scotland on a daily basis stuff like, ye know, what their chances of surviving the next twelve months are, or how they should avoid infecting each other with a strain of virus that will kill or seriously debilitate some of their loved ones.

No no no, reckons Murdo, these daily briefings by the First Minister are only happening because the SNP want a daily broadcasting platform to spout evil separatism to the masses without right of reply by his masters. Scotland is showing off thinks the sovereignty constipated Murdo.

His masters, of course, who at the beginning of this nightmare hid the fact that they had no stocks of PPE ready to address a pandemic other than some old gas masks designed to keep out mustard gas around 1914, masters who, when they knew they were going to be het for such a feck up despicably downgraded the risk of the COVID-19 virus so as to avoid legal liability for the deaths of hundreds of health professionals who put, and then sacrificed their lives on the front line for others, the same masters who when it became apparent that England was proving to be almost the worst managed country in the world for containing the virus just stopped counting the figures of death and serious illness with any accuracy to avoid scrutiny, masters who, when reporting numbers of tests carried out, were counting a nasal swab and a throat swab on the same person as two tests, and when accounting for PPE equipment counted a pair of gloves as two items of PPE, those masters.

Is this what it’s come to? Petty party politics for the chance of an MBE or a dead stoat’s fur cloak down the line as a deadly virus waits in the shadows to strike whenever we let our guard down.The sooner independence takes place the better. Folk like Murdo and his London masters, bursting to ignore the obvious risks, and allow a cull of the population, with no conscience, will get us killed.



Maybe somewhere on the far off distant remote island of Smugnumptia there is an individual with a more arrogant and self-entitled facial expression than the skelpit-ersed fizzered Andrew Bowie MP, playing the outraged straight man to line up a Boris Johnson dig at Scotland in the Commons yesterday, but I somehow doubt it.

What level of self-loathing for your own country must you have to be a Scottish Tory politician? A degree of self-loathing in fact to the extent that you don’t recognise that your country actually exists.

Now that thone other eejit, the Member for what became known as Aberdeen South What Were You Thinking? an individual allegedly too handy with his hands in social situations, is out of the picture, the bold smug Bowie can step in easily to the mould of adoring Johnson fanboy, sniggering and chortling at every farting sound or blustery mumbled phnarr phnarr which emits from the various orifices connected to the sack tied in the middle which is the Prime Minister of England and the neighbouring countries it pretends it’s in a partnership with.

Yes, after yesterday’s service, not to his country but to the country that governs his country, his name will be flamboyantly scribbled in crayon in Johnson’s big sketchy book for future use and perhaps a bauble way down the line if he manages to keep his nose clean, although these days it’s almost impossible to shame a politician or an unelected leader of a political party anyway. They just breenge on regardless.

Look forward to Andrew Bowie flashing his red,white and blue knickers at the Tory front bench at every possible opportunity.

They are a rare breed indeed the Scottish Tory. Sooks and sycophants tae a fault. We’ve got long memories though, us advocates for the rightful return of full sovereign independence for Scotland.

As for the Johnson fallacious and sensationalist jibe about there being no border between Scotland and England, stirring up such nonsense at a time when his governance has resulted in the needless deaths of thousands of innocents is crass in the extreme.

As usual in as dignified a manner as she can (she’s got the patience of a fluffy cloud full of saints) the First Minister of Scotland, in response, again demonstrated that in terms of leadership and communication she is light years ahead of the woolywitted (and headed), Beetlejuice version of Winston Churchill.