We’ll never get a better chance

So now it seems that at the 10 Downing Street party that never happened Boris Johnson’s Press Chief Jack Doyle, who has been spinning the spin of the last week and a half about the party that never happened being the party that never happened, made a speech and handed out awards to some of the multitude gathered there whilst the party never happened.

This after Allegra Stratton, who was filmed last year laughing and joking about trying to create a publicly palatable response for the hard-of -thinking to any sort of question about the party that never happened, took one for one’s team (she’ll no’ miss the hundred odd grand a year I promise you that).

Allegra, in so doing, did the second best Tory contrite tears and snotters leave-me-alone-but-feel-sorry-for-me act seen in recent memory almost a year to the day after that shambolic Breakfast TV boak-inducing effort at waterworks from the ever weird and slightly sinister disaster that is Matt Hancock. Do they really think we are total mugs?

Meanwhile, after being savaged in the House by top socialist Sir Keir Whitisname (what a wimp, his surname definitely is not Hardie) being savaged by him is like being tickled under the oxster with a  two month old duckling’s tail feather whilst having warm coconut oil massaged into your neck muscles, old bawheid himself, still it seems Teflon-coated to almost any disaster that he, or his government cause, almost on a daily basis now, is coming over all Churchillian gravitas again.

Oh yes, he wants you to pay attention to him now folks. Never mind the too numerous to list incidents when the man has blatantly misrepresented facts, diverted scrutiny away from himself and just bare-faced, with accustomed comfortable ease, lied. He has no conscience.

The sudden seriousness with which he is again taking the latest strain of the pandemic ( there’s no truth in the rumour that when someone first mentioned the word Omicron to him he thought it was an upcoming media company he should buy shares in) is directly related to the amount of shyte him and his spin team think he might be in with the public.

I’m nearer sixty than fifty and I cannot remember, in my lifetime, a Prime Minister or a government, individually and collectively, displaying such a complete lack of a moral compass with no real grip on the reality of what’s going on around them than this lot.

As a passionate supporter of Scotland returning to its rightful state of independent self-government I feel we must begin the process towards the transition to independence right now. As our devolved powered Government at Holyrood goes through the necessary games of political and legal Snakes & ladders to come to get us there we will never have a better chance of success than when this clown and his bunch of heid-the-baws are still in power.

Some day soon it’s going to dawn on the people of England (why it hasn’t already I have no idea) that the time for this madhouse circus is over, and the Bullingdon lads will be swept away. Whatever ruthlessness comes next, whomever takes over in Downing Street will be harder to get the measure of than Johnson.


Now c’mon folks. Ultimately you may not have been convinced in 2014. No, in the face of those with a vested interest in maintaining the established order bombarding you with farcical scary stories about a future where those with the power in England no longer are able to tell you, the people of Scotland, what to do, we the advocates of independence, seeking to encourage you to do your own research and then make up your mind, didnae quite dae enough to persuade you to return our country to self-government. 

Surely now though, surely you must be doubting that decision? 

Surely now, after seven years of overt in-your-face corruption on a grand scale?

Surely after the criminal incompetence on a level which had costs thousands of innocent human beings their lives? 

Surely after the barefaced nepotism, patronage and graft on an unprecedented scale in modern times in the UK? 

Surely after the insistent incitement and encouragement to hate or be suspicious of foreigners, the isolation and huge economic harm (which will years to properly quantify) of Brexit? 

…And surely after the incredible outcome of the election of an entirely and wholly inadequate clown of a Prime Minister, a man so dangerously incompetent he shouldn’t be allowed to sign anything other than with a crayon? Surely?

Now, now following the latest revelations about a time last year when many ordinary folks, following the laws of the land, made the sacrifice of not spending time with loved ones, perhaps missing out on being with them for one last time, revelations which prove they don’t care about us, it’s one rule for them and another for us. 

They are just taking the pish out of us. Surely you can see this? 

It’s time for independence. Time to start the process. Time to go. 

Stepping up to the line

The polls are swinging back our way again and the First Minister has set out some approximate target seasons, if not dates, for progression towards an independence referendum. This will be a referendum which the lumpen proponent of exceptionalism  and Peppa Pig fetishist, who laughingly passes for a UK Prime Minister, will have to challenge, undemocratically, in the courts.

That challenge, on the basis of current law alone, he is likely to win. In my view, his winning, likely in the Supreme Court, successfully suppressing the democratic will of a sovereign nation by enforcing a law which effectively gives another country the right to tell us what we can and cannot do, will backfire spectacularly.

Now if we can only get the original party advocating an independent Scotland and the new-entrant party advocating an independent Scotland to stop sniping at each other (life was so much easier in the days when the unionist media used to invent stories of internal wars to try and get us all to fall out and we’d laugh and make jokes about throwing Forfar Bridies and last week’s tawtie scones at each other), particularly in the unionist media, helping to do their job for them, things would be a wee bit easier.

Also, and I’ve said this many times before, if we are going to fight, and win a campaign we need the tools to do the job. We, the many thousands of committed advocates of the return to a self-governing sovereign Scotland, need clear guidance on currency (not the Growth Commission) Europe, pensions, renewable energy, a constitution, in fact all of the topics that will get flung at us via the big shytey pot of Project Fear 2 (the sequel, it’s back, it’s angry, it’s taking us seriously this time, and we’re going to need a bigger boat).

Give us a case to sell, and by goodness we will leave no undecided relative, colleague or friend unturned in our efforts to convince those not-yet-decided to do a bit of their own research and then make an informed decision untrammelled by British nationalist propaganda. We’re more than happy to do the hard work but give us the support to do it.

What has happened to the Independence Unit that Mike Russell, who I have a lot of time for, took charge of in June? Where’s the output of the SNP media rebuttal team that was set up some time before then? Yes, we are in a pandemic, and our government is working hard at doing as much as they can to reduce deaths and serious illnesses amongst us, commendable work, but both of these areas should be burning the midnight oil putting together the answers to the obvious questions, evicting the elephants in the room, and starting to establish a clear and easy method of communicating the case for independence to the vast grassroots groups and individuals, us.

One clear, and unambiguous signal that this is most definitely on, and my God, the comfy campaign walking shoes will be rescued from the backs of thousands of cupboards. I think too, a lot of the bickering would just fade away as the focus returns laser sharp towards the direction we should be aiming at.

#Independence is normal. Being governed by another country is not.