Who is kidding who?

Is it worth it, being tied tae this mob?

For example, there’s what passes for a Prime Minister these days, who despite his massive in-law inherited wealth cannae find a pair of troosers tae wear that manage tae cover the distance between his shins and his ankles. This fella’s only discernible talent seems to be that he can stay in a job despite being fined at least twice by the polis. Words like charismatic, statesman-like, cerebral and leader, don’t much apply to him. He is a place-holder only.

We’ve a former Prime Minister, a man-child who clearly must still think he is the Prime Minister, marauding all over Switzerland, panicking cattle, their coo bells going off in a cacophony of fear, like they are heralding in the four minute warning, attending World Economic forums, thoroughly disappointed that Davos turned out to be a place and no’ the half Dalek, half Jacob Rees-Mogg villain from Dr Who, before heading once again to war torn Ukraine to massage his Winston Churchill wartime leader fetish. A man overly self-entitled and immersed in privilege but astonishingly he’d have us believe he is often skint, requiring injections of substantial ‘loans’ from individual who turn out to be Tory party donors on a regular basis. Really? Does he and they think we button up the back?

Then there’s the Chairman of the clown-shoe academy that is the Tory Party itself, who at one stage was the Secretary for Education. Who, it seems, cannae manage to apply simple arithmetic to his tax affairs, his mind somehow forgetting that he should have paid several million pounds to the state, on his acquired dodgy gains. Aye, it’s easily done when you are down to your last five hundred million. It seems one law applies to him and a totally separate law applies to the rest of us.

Worryingly too, there’s a scary narcissist Home Secretary in place who seems to view human beings, even children, who land on the shores of the UK, having braved the channel between mainland Europe and England, as somehow less entitled to be human beings than the rest of us, and doesn’t care how she expresses that view, revelling in her foul opinions. Vile.

I could go on and on and on. I could mention the puppet non-entity who took over the mantle of Secretary of State Against Scotland from Davie Mundell, the Viceroy of Joy, a while back. At least with Davie there was much to get a laugh out of. This guy? He’s only interested in following to the letter his master’s instructions, to overturn a cross-party majority decision of the Scottish Parliament, to disrespect the democratic will of the people of Scotland, to tell us no, whilst having the arrogance and brass neck to further say it’s not his job to explain to us why he’s telling us no. It’s just NO, right?  

This band of guisers and chancers are just the tip of a very large iceberg of mediocrity, corruption and often dangerous incompetence that surrounds the mechanisms of power and the government of our country from the capital city of another country. Scotland has had to thole generation after generation of muppets like these running our country for their benefit, to meet their priorities, not ours.

The BBC and much of the media, a media which is 98% Unionist-backing, would have us believe, via constant 24/7 reinforcing propaganda, that it is the limited powers (even more so now that they’ve started vetoing what powers we have) devolved Scottish government which is dysfunctional. That our parliament itself is not required. Ooft!

There simply is no comparison. 

Independence is normal. Unitary control of a neighbouring country, against their will, is most certainly not.

Will somebody please break that cord!

Inntit great?

We were to have the most powerful devolved Parliament in the world. ‘Call me David’ Cameron pleaded with us not to leave the Union and instead to take on the mantle of leading it. Somewhere down the line every Unionist MP involved in the sovereignty question over the last few years doused the fires with the falsehood that under the Sewel Convention Westminster will never interfere in devolved matters without the permission of the Scottish Parliament and thus the will of the people of Scotland will always be respected.

The Zombie from the Manse, Gordy Broon, strutting about a stage like an Alabama snake-charming evangelist, had the masses in the palms of his clammy haunds (and the Daily Record) hypnotizing the ‘politics is no ma thing’ folk into an orgy of fuzzy unworkable stale federalism again and again and again ‘ad perpetuum’ in an attempt to somehow be relevant (vanity has no bounds). We had the ‘Vow’. We had the ‘Why would you need to be independent when the Smith Commission will effectively make you virtually the same as independent’ guff?

We’ve been ‘pooled and shared’ into hideous shapes that a drunken game of “Twister’ could never reach. We’ve been brainwashed on an Orwellian scale 24 hours a day, 7 day a week cycle (leaving half of us feeling like extras in the movie ‘The Manchurian Candidate) into a dazed false sense that we are part of a democratic voluntary partnership by consent, with the ability to dissolve that partnership should that be the democratic will of the people. Oooft! We’ve heard all of that and much, much, more.

Now? Now the reality is out there for all to see. Under searing, revealing light, overturning stones and clearing misty ambiguity, banishing the sale of snake oil.

You, the people of Scotland, most definitely, without a shadow of doubt, don’t count. So shut up Jock and eat your porridge. Bend the knee.

This conclusion requires no newsflash. Many of us knew it already, others suspected it, but now those who retain the power which governs our country from another country feel so secure, in their arrogance and control of one of the last few remaining parts of their dead empire, that they no longer need to hide the fact that a Union that is supposed to be a partnership of equals is clearly, and demonstrably, not.

In fact, the construct which is the UK is a unitary state governed from London, where effectively we, in Scotland, are a resource rich colony, or province, continuing to have the collective wealth of our nation hoovered up for the benefit of another country, a country with other priorities to ours, for the benefit of them, first and foremost.

I’ve always avoided the view of Scotland as a colony as I previously thought it was an over-exaggeration and also, historically, there were many from our country who made a pretty packet out of robbing and pillaging other countries in the world under the guise of civilising empire in the past.

However the Supreme Court decision of last year and yesterday’s abhorrent announcement by the Secretary of State Against Scotland, the nonentity who is Alister Jack, an individual so soporific that you shouldn’t drive or use heavy machinery after listening to him, leads me to the conclusion that Scotland is one of the last remaining places the established power in England can rob and they intend to continue to do so, (it seems now untrammeled by any pretence of spinning the populace of Scotland a yarn of everlasting love and broad-shouldered unity) until there is nothing left for them to steal.

The unleashing of a section 35 order of the Scotland Act by a puppet agent of those from another country who govern Scotland, (incompetent and out of his depth when it comes to his ministerial responsibilities, when pressured in parliament about the details of the proposed refusal to comply with the will of the Scottish Parliament on a devolved issue he was reduced to almost responding to the question of why with the child-like response of just because) sets a precedent for the future, a future of continuing and increasing deference to London and a weakening of Holyrood’s powers and stature as a nation’s parliament, unless change occurs. That change is independence.

You can say what you like about Gender Recognition. It clearly is an emotive subject for some, but this latest development, effectively blocking the democratic will of the people of Scotland, again, disrespecting a vote which this time received majority cross-party support, not just the SNP, is surely the final straw of a long line of final straws and mandates in the dysfunctional relationship a burgeoning, confident nation, bursting with enthusiasm to reassert itself as an independent outgoing progressive social democratic country has with those from another country, with an increasingly warped government, who hold us back, shackled to their post-imperial arrogant delusions of exceptionalism.

Independence is normal. Unitary control of neighbours against their will is not.