It’s time to stand up

I think it was almost inevitable that yesterday’s Supreme Court interpretation of the Scotland Act would reveal that the people of Scotland have no legal means to have a say in the major decisions of government which impact their lives. 

Although we already knew that. It is now official and unequivocal. There can be no ambiguity. Scots live in a country ruled by another country. A country which governs our land in such a manner which serves their own needs and priorities, not ours, often to our detriment.

I’ve always been one to resist the use of the term ‘colony’ when it comes to Scotland’s relationship with England. This is for many reasons, not least because our bunch of one- percenter ruthless and greedy self-servers, of the historical past,  made as much out of slavery and looting foreign countries as their English equivalents did. But now I’m not so sure.

It was noticeable that the wee lawman wae the serious face, in his summary of the high heid yins decision (the ‘unanimous’ bad news) was careful to tell us that as Scots we arenae in any way oppressed nor could we be considered a colony, in our loved-up, broad-shouldered union embrace. 

But if you look at the definition of ‘colony’ on the site, where they describe it as ‘an area over which a foreign nation or state extends or maintains control’, or in the Collins English Dictionary which describes a ‘colony’ thus ‘A colony is a country which is controlled by a more powerful country’ I’m beginning to change my mind. For these are exactly descriptions of the position that Scotland is now in. 

Clearly you don’t have to be thousands of miles away tae be a colony. It seems that in broad floodlit clarity we are now officially one of the few last remaining money-spinning dominated cash cows of a writhing, fighting for breath that won’t come, zombie Rees-Mogg clone empire. 

Dear readers, all of this will not stand. Democracy must and will prevail. 

For anyone of you who receives the slightest smidgen of snash from anyone of a unionist bias or a penchant for ProudScotbuttery over yesterday’s announcement the response is quite clear. 

The news that officially the people of Scotland are legally unable to make any governmental decisions for themselves without asking and receiving permission to do so from England effects all Scots, not just the ones who seek the rightful return of self-government. If they are too thick or entrenched to notice this that is a problem for them not you. 

Itisintruthnotforglory has always in the past referred to Scotland’s relationship in Britain or the UK. For the most part in future those terms of reference will not generally now be used. We may as well start calling it what it factually is, (and in so doing I mean no disrespect in any way to all of our many loved ones, friends, colleagues and family from our neighbouring country to the south) Scotland being governed by England. In my mind any notion of a United Kingdom disappeared yesterday morning around 9.45am. 

An equal partnership of nations bound by mutual consent is a fallacy and that is now officially carved in stone. 

The United Kingdom as it is described on the tin does now not exist and this blog, which has been on a bit of a break recently awaiting yesterday’s outcome, like the many other supporters of independence for our country, is angry, resolute and re-energised. 

We are even more determined to continue to promote the views of fairness, equity and justice, inclusiveness and the claim of our people to self-determination, using all possible non-violent means within the law to ensure that our right to democracy will be respected and our country set free from the red, white and blue velvet handcuffs. 

Independence is normal. Independence is coming. Stand up for Scottish Democracy.