

When a Prime Minister cannae bring herself tae even attempt tae properly pronounce the name of the constituency which one of her new wee pet shortbread tin scotty dog cheerleaders is purported to represent, when he’s no’ dropping his wee fleg (they like their flegs the Tories) at the feet of Lionel Messi hoping that the wee man will pick it up, hand it tae him and immediately request a Lionel and Dougie selfie, then we see that Westminster is quite clearly way past its sell by date with regards to its relevance to Scotland.

Theresa May’s lame effort (at least she’s consistent) in response to Falkirk’s man in the chamber John McNally red carding her, and rightly pulling her up about the fact that being a member of parliament representing the people who elected you is supposed to be a fairly responsible occupation which should take precedent over any other interest, hobby or second occupation in reference to the member for Moray ( that is pronounced “ Murray” Theresa no’ ‘Maww-ray’) shooting the craw tae Barcelona tae up his status in the UEFA line dancing rankings, and deliberately missing a very important debate on a subject which impacts his constituents as much as anyone else, was poor.

It’s not that long ago that the likes of Phillippa Whitford, who in what passes for her real life outside politics as an SNP MP, is a specialist cancer surgeon , was getting slaughtered left , right and centre for volunteering to go out to refugee camps in war torn areas to save the lives of people who are desperately ill, during recess time from parliament, in her own time. I’ll repeat that, in her own time. John McNally himself, a barber to trade of some thirty or forty years standing, suffered a similar kicking in the media at one stage for simply cutting somebody’s hair, no’ even with a bowl either, but no’ its alright, wee Dougie can charge up and doon the wing waving his wee fleg tae his heart’s content, any time he likes. Day job? When you are a Scottish Tory the day job doesn’t matter.

Mrs May used the same robotic standard phrase she has used many times before, one she picked up from David Cameron, when responding to John McNally’s question, suggesting in that entirely unconvincing manner that she has that the Scottish Tories are doing more for the people of Scotland than the SNP have ever done. The reality is that a bench load of cardboard cut-outs of Dougie and his Scottish Tory colleagues made out of old cornflakes boxes with papier mache heads, utilising soggy copies of the Sunday Post formed around a balloon ( not David Mundell this time for once) would be entirely more effective and useful to the people of Scotland than the real thing.

Government from, and for London, is the present and the past . Independence is the future. Government by a neighbouring country is no longer required for Scotland.

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