Sue-Ellen’s asking, are you Yes yet?

Well, are you?

As if it isn’t bad enough that celestial beings, or perhaps even just good luck, haven’t protected us from the horrid new age extra-strong-heartless latest version of a Tory leader.

As if it isn’t intolerable enough that we aren’t saved from her wild, manic-laughing sawdust-headed persona, her constantly flickering eye movements as she tries desperately to remember whether the next line in the pre-written script is to use the words ‘I delivered’ or ‘growth’ (from an individual with little or no understanding of leadership or economics other than a sense that further enriching the rich gets her a gold star with her campaign- supporting corporate buddies and putting the boot into the working poor and vulnerable is in some way a means to grow an economy (eh?) and keeps the great unwashed in their place.)

As if it is hardly possible to conceive that it was even feasible that there was ever likely to be a Prime Minister of the UK with less competence for the job, than the dunder-heided posh boy Boris Johnson, which we all almost immediately found out was entirely wrong because all evidence so far suggests that Liz Truss is way out there in terms of being even more of a dangerous liability than him.

As if all this isn’t enough, the brave new Chicabethan Britannic world has unleashed Sue-Ellen (she changed it to Suella because it sounds less common) Braverman as Home Secretary in this flip flopping, spinning circus act disguised as a government.

If you thought Priti Patel, the previous incumbent of the job, was a nasty piece of work, who seemed to be unable to mask that she rather enjoyed inflicting misery upon others (she is, and she did) then you’ll be shocked to know that evidence shows that Sue-Ellen’s views and attitudes make the smirking Patel look like Julie Andrews dancing around a herd of goats on an Austrian mountain.

During the Tory conference in Birmingham the other day this inhumane creature, who professes to be a believer in a religion which preaches love and tolerance, jocularly informed a fringe event of a room full of red-faced right-wing gammons, that it is her dream to see a frontpage Daily Telegraph (hate mail) photograph of an aeroplane loaded with asylum seekers taking off for a journey to Rwanda, to much clapping and cheering.  

Her ‘dream’. Think about that. The slow-moving incremental steps away from political moderation, from centre right, to right-wing, to far right, to acceptable full on fascism have just taken another jolt to the right. Her comments were accepted in the mainstream media, considered normal, not a BBC commentator or TV news anchor turned a hair, her obvious glee in making such comments roundly applauded by the audience, communicating their joy back to her,signalling their approval that such views are now considered normal.

Such odious horrendous opinions, where the persecution and expulsion of other human beings, who have suffered extreme hardship, many who may have experienced, and be fleeing, war, genocide, famine, torture, rape,, the horrors of life that we in the West have luckily been sheltered from, before being preyed upon by gangsters robbing them of their last possessions in order to give them false hope of a new life in peace and with opportunity, before being whisked off like criminals to a far-off country with a volatile history of war and torture itself, being celebrated, celebrated? This is despicable, unforgiveable. Where is the humanity?

This my dear friends must surely one of the very final of the final straws for us in Scotland. Any right-minded person must surely see this as yet another clarion call that it indeed is time to go. The paths of our two nations have diverged to an extent which is not sustainable.

Independence we must have.

One thought on “Sue-Ellen’s asking, are you Yes yet?

  1. Thanks for this article. It is truly terrifying, the UK is now a very disturbing place to be.
    After the independence result secured by the British state, based on utterly disgraceful lies, and then the English voting for Brexit, dragging Scotland out of the EU against the will of majority of the people of Scotland, it was obvious that we were in for a horrendous time of it, and it’s only going to get worse. The Tories have definitely turned fascist, scarily the media are enabling that to be normalised among some sections of society. I know of one person in NE England who complained recently about people ‘coming over on boats’. I was shocked not having heard an actual person speak like that.
    Very scary times in general in the world but the so called UK is on a very dark path, which is even more scary. Scotland needs to escape the before it’s too late.

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