When it comes

When it comes. When what shall be is fully formed. When the narrow-minded wailing, the bile and hatred and gnashing of teeth has subsided. When the forces that have subjugated, subsumed and subordinated us have been driven into insignificance. 

When they are disarmed of their power, stripped of their magic ermine and patronage, at last vulnerable, visible to all who will behold what is underneath their suits of ‘new clothes.’ Their Union of equals it has not been, or ever will be.

When at last the unrelenting 24-hours per-day declining-empire propaganda machine, which perpetuates the continuation of a massive confidence trick, the celebrity cult of worshipping unelected hereditary obscene wealth, acquired on the backs of the misery of others, has lost its grip. 

When doubts filter through the minds of many, attuned to lifelong conditioning. When holding up a blank sheet of paper in a crowd is not seen as a reason to be arrested and confined, for fear of what you may write upon that paper, but as a perfectly healthy means of freedom of expression.

When all that matters to those we entrust as our choices to serve us as our government is their commitment to the betterment of the lives of us, all of us. Scots born and Scots by choice, all of Tamson’s children. 

When the policy manifestos of the political parties, existent and the not-yet-formed, compete only on the degree as to which their specific plans improve the future and provides beneficial opportunities to our people. When the burden of responsibility has consequences not personal advantage.

When we are ready to re-emerge into the world as a 21st century mature social democratic country, answerable to our people, focused on fairness, equality and social justice. When we are once more recognised for our outward view and friendship. When we will undoubtedly be warm and welcoming to our neighbours and responsible members of the family of world nations.

Then, without the need for endless rounds of repetitive pomp, archaic self-perpetuating ritual or this flaunting obscene wealth, originally pillaged from nations long ago occupied who’ve since set themselves free, the chain of a declining nation’s narcissism around our ankle will snap.

All of this ultra-national veneration of individuals and lost glory will stop, or at least reduce to the levels of what could be considered sane.

Scotland will once more be an independent self-governing country. It is coming perhaps sooner than we think.

One thought on “When it comes

  1. Aye, I wonder if the new unelected uncrowned king of England will interfere in Scotland’s democracy and democratic will of the people, as his mother did.
    I saw via Germany’s DWnews channel they covered the whole saga of Edinburgh being told to shut up, and close everything down, while an old woman who just died was brought to the church to be worshipped. They showed the FM speaking at Holyrood as would seem appropriate. They also showed wee nyaff Dross and poverty pay Sarwar, looking as insincere as a they are, and which frankly I find embarrassing for Scotland, because they are neither competent nor sincere in their highly paid positions, in representing Scotland, other than to undermine and work against Scotland’s best interests.

    It’s weird to have people in positions of office in your parliament, who are loyal to the country next door, and who are only there to represent the country next door. Something not quite right about that.
    Devolution is outdated like the English royals, its way past time for Scotland to move on and become a fully functioning independent country.

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