Naturally corrupt

It’s like Billy Smart’s circus this, without the smarts and thankfully without the poor caged up animals being let out to be whipped and frightened into jumping through fiery hoops.

There’s a completely incompetent numpty wandering parts of the mainland UK making a total walloper of himself on every occasion, in very circumstance possible. If you’ve to wear a mask he won’t, if you’ve to at least look presentable, he’ll turn up looking like Worzel Gummidge, if it’s a somber occasion he’ll crack an inappropriate quip, if it involves making any kind of serious, and sometimes life threatening decision, he’ll make an arse of it. 

Incredibly, and almost miraculously, this gub shyte is the leader of the government of the United Kingdom, and nobody seems to care!

How did that happen? How did he get there? 

In a parliamentary system originally devised and built on corruption, a system which has thrived on graft and deception ever since, it was too easy. 

He ticks all of the boxes for an egotistical head boy. He strongly believes that laws don’t apply to him and therefore he will allow the existing systematic pochling  to continue mainly undisturbed. He is an individual who doesn’t actually see that stealing from the public purse, or taking advantage of power you have gained in trust to serve the public for your own personal gain is wrong. 

The corridors and chambers of the Westminster estate foster a well out of date political institution, not fit for purpose, which requires a hosing down every ten years or so to try and wash out as much of the worst self-serving troughers as it can. We’ve seen it now several times. 

This dolt of a man, is trying very hard to sweep under the carpet the huge abuses of power and influence which take place under the guise of having ‘second jobs’ and sailing close to the wind around the edges of parliamentary rules. 

Politicians of the day, lacking in a moral compass, seem quite content, when caught with their fat hand stuck in the jar, to agree that yes their actions may have been reprehensible, but they haven’t actually broken a rule so let’s move on. 

Johnson himself, when one of his old pals gets caught in the troughing spotlight prefers to try and change the rules rather than change the pal. What a disgrace. 

The man who considers almost everything that passes before him as frivolous and retains very little detail on any subject (according to him the recent globally significant climate change conference took place in Edinburgh, not Glasgow, where it actually was held) has no concept of conscience.

Then we have his local branch steward of the little empire project in Scotland, a fellow so fond of waving flags that he does it as an additional job (although he prefers not to tell the public how much he earns from it) Murray Ross of Douglas caught in the same net.

He’s sorry, he’s very sorry, he’s awfy sorry, awfy awfy sorry,. A big boy wearing a mask came and stole all of his records about the fees he’d received whilst pretending to be a VARS machine with the batteries removed at the side of a fitbaw pitch. 

It would appear that all of that record keeping, being above board, remaining within the bounds of codes of conduct protocols for elected politicians got a bit sidelined in recent seasons as his heightened salivation over the prospect of bringing doon the current First Minister of Scotland because she couldnae remember off-hand the date of a meeting increased. 

He’s his ain worst critic, he reckons, and can be very hard on himself, (I can think a couple of hundred thousand folk that would take issue with that).

It’s ok though, he’s referred himself to the relevant authorities, the parliamentary standards watchdog, who might appoint him to join them when they consider his misdemeanours, and then he can write the report back to himself giving himself a wee smack on the wrist with a feather. 

Independence surely will be an improvement on this sorry state of affairs. Can we start the ball rolling now please? 

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