A protected species

Looking at the behaviour and facial expressions of the bumbling bawheid of Bullingdon and his attack dog Home Secretary the other day at a ceremony to unveil a memorial to members of the police killed in service, displaying much hilarity over his inability to manage the workings of an umbrella, it is clear that to this bunch of chancers governing a union of nations is just a joke.

To them there are no situations which require solemnity, gravitas or sincerity. They are a disgrace.

There is something quite sinister and creepy about that smirk that spreads across Priti Patel’s fizzer on a regular basis, it sends a shiver up my spine when I see it. It denotes a clear a sense of entitlement, an arrogance. She’d sell her granny if it gave her a further leg up the political ladder.

Viewing the clip of Johnson playing up to his persona of Bojo the Clown with his faulty umbrella, sitting next to the next hereditary monarch, and the shared looks between him and Patel, it was like watching two wee naughty school weans getting caught flicking wet paper bullets at the class swot. 

Observers may note a certain unconscious intimacy there in their body language between them.

Heaven forbid, I’m not suggesting that she is another notch on a long list of  five bar gates scraped into the ice of the fridge he hides in, no, that’s an image I’d rather not see in my mind. No, the intimacy they share is the knowledge that they each feel supremely powerful, above the law, chancers, and above all of that they share a sense of euphoria that their gross incompetence doesn’t matter, as much as it is exposed, they are a protected species, their destinies intertwined in each other’s decisions, each reliant on the other.

Under the watch of these dangerous wastrel numpties, and their cronies, many have died needlessly, many others are living in abject poverty and misery, and yet more will suffer. This is unforgiveable.

For us, in Scotland, we can take a different path. It is in our hands. Put by our internal differences. Set aside our differing views on how our Scotland will be. Let the political leaders of the movement to return our country to its rightful state of independence publish some key dates for the forthcoming campaign, with a covid-19 caveat. 

Give us, the grassroots, a target to aim for. Do this and we will not be found wanting.

One thought on “A protected species

  1. Yep indeed, Scotland needs away from these lawless, self centred, arrogant and dangerous idiots before it’s too late. I know what you mean about Patel’s horrible smirk, it really is the sort of look you could expect from someone enjoying sticking pins into their victims hand, for fun. Brrrr.
    That image of the entitled nasties, is indicative of all that’s wrong with their UK, their ‘Britain’, their ‘great Britain’. Yuk!
    Scotland needs no part of their backward, nasty, dystopian nightmarish hell of austerity on the poor, while rewarding and awarding themselves and their pals billions of £’s of public money. No thanks, let’s run before it’s too late.


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