Spinning the Spin Doctor

You’ve got to admire, well actually you don’t, the egregious brass-necked exaggeration of the British establishment’s premier newspaper north of the border, the longstanding and most definitely inappropriately named, for at least much of the last fifty years, ‘The Scotsman’, in the name of pushing forward their unionist-supporting agenda and propaganda.

On the day when an individual (clearly one amongst many of his kind who have an unclear understanding at times of what passes for the truth) who for so long was central to the day-to-day running of the government from another country which governs Scotland, (in fact there’s an argument that at one point he was in charge), appears before a committee of MPs and completely spills the beans on what is a clown shoe of a government, we are faced with a typical Hootsmon style headline….

…Scotsman scoop online article “Cummings makes explosive attacks against Sturgeon, Johnson on extraordinary day”.

Now, bearing in mind that even at this time, when at least half the population of Scotland are aware, or should be, that the stories this paper comes up with are heavily slanted against Scotland regaining self-determination, you would think ooft the former hate figure bad boy, turned whistle blower, must have had something pretty serious and juicy to say about the First Minister of Scotland’s handling of the more than a year-long so far Covid-19 crisis. This particularly so seeing as the headline puts her name up there before Boris Johnson, whom we all knew in-advance was going to be the main target of the disgruntled former spin doctor’s ire. Must be bad. Aye?

Naw. Under that sensational headline there is a whole article all about effectively what could be described as a Downing Street regime demonstrating themselves to be a worse effort at government than ever has been portrayed in the satirical fly-on-the –wall series “The Thick of It”.

This could have been construed as half way towards funny, if only, if only, this hadn’t happened during a world-wide pandemic. A pandemic where the witless characters involved in UK’s government were, and still are, in charge of making crucial decisions about people’s lives.

Cumming’s testimony, described in the article, effectively fills in the gaps and confirms exactly what most have been thinking, and writing about, whilst the nightmare unfolded over the past year and a half as 128,00 innocent souls in the UK (112,000 of whom in England) have lost their lives. 

Boris Johnson’s government has been, and is, dangerously incompetent, not fit for purpose, loaded with individuals who simply don’t have the intellectual capacity or ability to do their jobs properly or well, there by patronage or sookery (you just need to listen to Matt Hancock speak for a minute to see that) and this sorrowful episode in history must go down as a period when the worst government was in place for the worst of times. A complete disaster.

Nicola Sturgeon? Despite being the leading target in the article’s headline she gets two very brief mentions. Early in the piece Cummings (he) “accused Ms Sturgeon of undermining the four nations approach to the Covid response”. No context or clarification is offered with that statement. Then, after at length describing the gross incompetence on display in Downing Street at the time, the First Minister gets a further mention “he accused both Ms Sturgeon and the Prime Minister of hindering efforts to halt the spread of the virus”. This apparently Cummings feels is justifiable because “as soon as you had these meetings Nicola Sturgeon would just go straight out and announce what she wanted straight afterwards.”

Let’s examine all of this a wee bit further. In terms of what actually went on yesterday, in that committee room, the revelations, the statements and accusations made, stuff that can be taken as factually correct, correct that he said them, not necessarily that they are true (unless your tinfoil hat tells you that tells you that Cummings appearance was faked) how the Scotsman can possibly stretch all of that out and spin the story like the spiller of beans was dishing out wrath in comparatively equal terms on both the bumbler of Bullingdon and the First Minster of Scotland is well beyond even their usual British nationalist propaganda slant. The lead slogan on the Scotsman’s website heads up with the words “News you can trust since 1817”. Trust? Really?

I for one am entirely happy that the democratically elected First Minister of my country, who’s first and foremost thoughts 24/7 almost throughout this crisis have been for the safety and wellbeing of all of the peoples of Scotland, those who elected her, as well as though who didn’t, wasn’t keen on a four nation approach.

Can you imagine her on a conference call or in an actual meeting with this bunch of amateur half-witted poshly educated way-beyond-their-ability numpties, trying to come to some consensus on decisions which will impact whether other human beings may live or die? Can you picture that?

Cummings himself describes a scene where the bawheid in charge is running around like a headless chicken whilst some of his team of toadies, sycophants, climbers and wannabees are trying to decide if they’ll cave in to the wildly narcissistic dictatorial nutter in charge at the time across the Atlantic and bomb yet more middle eastern cities back into the middle ages, whilst some more of them are trying to work out how they are going to save themselves from the public wrath when the public discover they’ve made a complete and criminal mess of an emerging health disaster of global proportions, whilst a third lot, and the Prime Minister himself, are arguing over a story in the papers that’s ripping his latest burd’s knitting about her dug!

Four nations approach? I widnae trust any of them enough tae send them for a paper and the rolls. The First Minister of Scotland, in my view, did exactly the correct thing in blanking this mob off as soon as she could. It is such a shame that the powers that Scotland’s government throughout this last 18 months have been limited to those included in the devolved settlement. So much more could have been done if emergency powers over border control, and enhanced control over financial levers had been in place, instead of Scotland being at the whim of these wasters and chancers.

I jest in some of the above, but dear friends, you know as well as I do, even if only half of what Dominic Cummings says is true (the maestro of Brexit mind) these revelations are a further spur to all of us who are advocates of an independent Scotland, of whatever strand of that movement we are, that we must part company with the circus, and we must do it soon.

Rest in peace the 128,000 souls.

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