The Springboard


The divergence of the political paths of Scotland and England cannot be more precisely shown than in the graphic accompanying this post. The gap is widening by the day.

Following the erse collapsing out of both the Tories (running a campaign on their single issue obsession in Scotland) and particularly New, Auld, Newish, Auld Again, Sitting on the Fence, Sitting behind a Fence Pretending to be a Startled One Eyed Rabbit with a nervous tick, Labour vote in the EU elections surely we are now at the springboard time for a concerted final push towards the rightful return of Scotland’s self-determination.

Surely now it can’t be anything other than crystal clear to anyone who is in the slightest bit interested that London is not going ever going to give us our country back, our country is not theirs in the first place to give. They will never agree to another referendum. To do so places their British state in terminal danger.

The forthcoming Tory leadership contest will quickly degenerate into a circus side-show, it has started already. Brass necks, spurious one-liners and bluff and bluster are the order of the day as a stream of increasingly right-wing entitled numpties and accent-changers try to persuade their peers and the electorate, through the media, that they individually have a plan to save Britain from Europe, Farage’s hordes, the Normans and those nasty Scots who keep trying to take their baw home with them when their maw shouts them in from the street for a bath on a ‪Sunday night‬.
A few weeks of that chaotic nonsense playing out and a General Election might not be too far away.

This will be an election in which the SNP must seek a mandate from the people of Scotland to express and pursue the inalienable right to self–government, the real deal, a step further than a right to a further referendum on sovereignty.

Political pressure needs to be applied to the crumbling walls of Westminster. They are more vulnerable now than before, engaged and entangled with dark sinister politics of another era. This is the time for us. A refusal to accept such a powerful democratic decision by at least granting a section 30 order would be their downfall.

In spearheading this goal the SNP must communicate better with the Scottish people in a smarter, more efficient way than they have done previously, killing Project Fear stone dead.

Amongst other topics, they need to give voters clear straightforward information about changing currency and how that will work, they’ll need to give pensioners details of what they can expect with regards to an improvement in their pensions (bearing in mind the UK’s terrible record on pension payment levels in comparison to other European states) and they need to paint a plausible picture of the benefits independence will bring to Scotland, convincingly planting the message that the process of doing so (not just to us who absolutely are already committed to that outcome) is thoroughly worthwhile.

The Scottish Government are in the process of enacting legislation to hold a second independence referendum, on a date sometime soon, next year maybe. Maybe not.

Events are rapidly making this an irrelevance. Stronger steps are needed, and they are needed soon.

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